Why are Companies Outsourcing their IT Support Structure?

Dinesh Thakur
10 Apr 2023
Ditstek Blogs

Outsourcing is evidently a highly popular practice today, and IT support is no exception. Many companies have opted to outsource their IT support structure to third-party providers rather than maintaining an in-house team. This trend has been on the rise for years, and it has been accelerating even more rapidly in recent times. The question is- why companies love to outsource their IT support structure and what are the benefits that come with it? Let’s find out:

Cost Savings

One of the primary reasons why companies outsource their IT support structure to full-stack development companies and other IT companies is cost savings. Maintaining an in-house IT team can be quite expensive, and for smaller companies, it may not be feasible. Outsourcing to a third-party provider allows companies to benefit from economies of scale and reduce their costs significantly. Third-party providers have specialized expertise, infrastructure, and resources that enable them to provide IT support services at a lower cost.

Access to Expertise and Technology

Outsourcing IT support also provides companies with access to a broader range of expertise and technology. Third-party providers invest heavily in training their staff and keeping up-to-date with the latest technological advancements. As a result, they can provide companies with cutting-edge solutions that may not be available in-house. Additionally, third-party providers offer a diverse range of IT support services, from help desk support to network monitoring and cybersecurity, which allows companies to select services that match their specific needs.

Focus on Core Competencies

The only way a company can grow business and stay ahead of its competition is by focusing on its core competencies. This is again where IT support outsourcing helps. 

By offloading IT support to a third-party provider, companies can focus on their primary business functions and improve their efficiency. This is especially important for smaller companies that have limited resources and need to optimize their operations to remain competitive. By outsourcing IT support, such companies can free up resources to focus on developing new products or services, expanding their market reach, or improving customer service.


Outsourcing IT support also assists companies with scalability. As businesses grow, their IT support needs may change and they may need to add additional resources to support their IT infrastructure. Outsourcing IT support can provide easy access to additional resources, including hardware, software, and personnel, without the need for a significant upfront investment. 

Maintaining an in-house IT team that can scale with the company can be challenging. Outsourcing to a third-party provider is a more convenient option that allows companies to scale their IT support services up or down as needed, depending on their current business needs. For example, a business may need additional support during peak periods, or it may need to reduce support during slower periods. An outsourcing provider can quickly adjust resources and support to meet such kinds of changing needs.

Reduced Risk

Third-party providers which offer IT support are responsible for managing risk related to their client’s services, including compliance, security, and data privacy. So, by subcontracting IT support, companies can transfer some of the risk associated with IT support to the third-party provider. Additionally, third-party providers are responsible for maintaining the necessary certifications and compliance standards, which reduces the risk of non-compliance on the company’s end.

Improved Service Quality

The last but an important benefit of outsourcing IT support is that it can lead to improved service quality. Third-party companies are incentivized to provide high-quality services because their reputation and business depend on it. Additionally, they have specialized expertise and experience, which allows them to provide superior IT support services. This, in turn, can lead to improved business performance, increased productivity, and higher customer satisfaction.

Things to Keep in Mind

Outsourcing your IT support structure can bring many benefits, but it is important to keep certain things in mind to ensure a successful outsourcing engagement. Here are some key considerations:

  • Clearly define your goals and requirements: Before outsourcing, it is important to clearly define your goals and requirements. This includes defining your IT support needs, service level expectations, and desired outcomes. This will help you find an IT outsourcing provider that can meet your specific needs.
  • Choose the right outsourcing provider: When selecting an outsourcing provider, it is important to consider factors such as their experience, expertise, references, and reputation. It is also important to consider their geographic location and time zone, as this can impact communication and support.
  • Establish clear communication channels: Effective communication is critical to the success of an outsourcing engagement. It is important to establish clear communication channels and protocols, including regular check-ins, reporting, and escalation procedures.
  • Ensure data security and privacy: Outsourcing IT support can involve sharing sensitive data and information. It is important to ensure that your outsourcing provider has robust data security and privacy measures in place to protect your data
  • Define service level agreements (SLAs): SLAs define the scope of work, service levels, and performance metrics for the outsourcing engagement. It is important to define SLAs that are realistic, measurable, and aligned with your business goals.
  • Manage the outsourcing engagement effectively: Effective management of the outsourcing engagement is critical to success. This includes monitoring performance against SLAs, addressing issues and concerns promptly, and ensuring that the outsourcing provider is delivering value.

By keeping these considerations in mind, you can successfully outsource your IT support structure and reap the benefits of improved expertise, efficiency, and cost savings.


For many companies, it’s a wise move to outsource IT support as it can lead to reduced costs and access to specialized expertise and technology. When all IT support responsibilities are handled by another team, the client company can focus on the big picture and acquire the flexibility and agility needed to scale quickly and efficiently. By partnering with an outsourcing provider, the company can tap into additional resources and expertise, while maintaining the ability to quickly adjust support as your business needs change.

However, it is essential to select the right third-party provider carefully. Companies should evaluate potential providers based on their expertise, experience, reputation, and cost-effectiveness to ensure that they select a provider that can meet all their needs effectively.

Dinesh Thakur

Dinesh Thakur

21+ years of IT software development experience in different domains like Business Automation, Healthcare, Retail, Workflow automation, Transportation and logistics, Compliance, Risk Mitigation, POS, etc. Hands-on experience in dealing with overseas clients and providing them with an apt solution to their business needs.

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