How Custom EMR Integration Improves Patient Outcomes

Nidhi Thakur
13 Mar 2023
Ditstek Blogs

electronic prescribing software

Custom EMR (Electronic Medical Record) integration is the process of integrating EMR systems with other healthcare software applications to create a unified healthcare system. Custom EMR integration is becoming increasingly popular in healthcare because it has been proven to improve patient outcomes.

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What is Custom EMR Integration?

Custom EMR integration is the process of integrating EMR systems with other healthcare software applications to create a unified healthcare system. EMR systems are designed to capture and manage patient health information, including medical histories, treatment plans, and medication records. However, EMR systems alone may not be sufficient to provide a comprehensive view of a patient's health.

Custom EMR integration involves integrating EMR systems with other healthcare software applications such as pharmacy management systems, laboratory information systems, and radiology information systems. This integration allows for a more comprehensive view of a patient's health, enabling healthcare providers to make more informed decisions about patient care.

How Custom EMR Integration Improves Patient Outcomes

Following are some of the ways EMR integration leads to better patient care and engagement:

ehr integration

Improved Patient Safety

EMR integration can significantly improve patient safety. Integrating EMR systems with pharmacy management systems can help identify potential drug interactions, allergies, and adverse reactions. This can help healthcare providers avoid prescribing medications that could harm patients. Additionally, integrating EMR systems with laboratory information systems can help ensure that test results are accurate, reducing the risk of misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment.

ehr integration

Better Coordination of Care

Coordination of care among healthcare providers can be greatly boosted through EMR integration. For instance, integrating EMR systems with radiology information systems can help ensure that patients receive timely and appropriate imaging studies. In the same way, integrating with laboratory information systems can help healthcare providers access lab results in real-time, improving the coordination of care between primary care physicians and specialists.

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Improved Communication Among Healthcare Providers

EMR integration can also be used to improve communication among healthcare providers. When enabled for patient portals, it can allow patients to communicate with their healthcare providers and access their health information. When enabled for scheduling software, it can help healthcare providers schedule appointments, reducing wait times and improving patient access to care. 

The following are additional ways EMR integration helps in communication:

  • Streamlined referrals: EMR integration can streamline referrals between primary care physicians and specialists. Integration with referral management systems can help primary care physicians quickly and easily refer patients to specialists, reducing wait times and improving patient access to care.
  • Reduced administrative burden: Administrative burden of transferring patient health information between healthcare providers can also be reduced with custom EMR integration. Additionally, integration with health information exchange (HIE) systems can automate the transfer of patient health information, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing the risk of errors.
  • Patient engagement: Patient engagement can be greatly improved with EMR integration by enabling patients to access their health information and communicate with their healthcare providers. It can allow patients to view their health records, schedule appointments, and communicate with their healthcare providers, empowering them to take an active role in their healthcare.

Increased Efficiency

Another area in which EMR integration can help is efficiency in healthcare delivery. In billing and claims software, the integration can help reduce administrative tasks, allowing healthcare providers to spend more time on patient care. Healthcare providers can also integrate EMR with medication management systems to reduce medication errors, reducing the need for follow-up visits and improving patient outcomes.

electronic medical records software

Things to Keep in Mind

Custom EMR integration can be a complex process, so here are some things to keep in mind to ensure a successful integration:

  • Define your integration goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your integration, such as automating workflows, improving data processing and analytics, or reducing manual data entry.
  • Choose the right EMR vendor: Select an EMR vendor that can meet your integration requirements and has experience with custom integrations.
  • Plan your integration architecture: Design a comprehensive architecture that includes data flow, data storage, and data access to ensure that all components are integrated seamlessly.
  • Consider security and compliance: Ensure that the integration is secure and meets regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA compliance.
  • Test thoroughly: Test the integration thoroughly to ensure that it meets your goals and performs as expected.
  • Train your team: Train your team on how to use the integrated system and any new workflows or processes that are part of the integration.
  • Have a support plan: Develop a support plan in case issues arise with the integration, and make sure that your team knows how to contact support if needed.
  • Document everything: Document the integration process and any customizations made, so that you have a record of how the integration was implemented and can refer to it in the future if needed.
  • Monitor performance: Monitor the performance of the integrated system regularly to identify any issues and make adjustments as needed.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can help ensure a successful custom EMR integration that meets your goals and improves the efficiency and effectiveness of your healthcare operations.


Custom EMR integration is a valuable tool in improving patient outcomes. It can improve patient safety, coordination of care, communication among healthcare providers, and efficiency in healthcare delivery. Thus, all forward-thinking healthcare providers should consider implementing custom EMR integration to improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of care.

Nidhi Thakur

Nidhi Thakur

With more than 19 years of experience - I represent a team of professionals that specializes in the healthcare and business and workflow automation domains. The team consists of experienced full-stack developers supported by senior system analysts who have developed multiple bespoke applications for Healthcare, Business Automation, Retail, IOT, Ed-tech domains for startups and Enterprise Level clients.

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