SAAS BASED Remote PATIENT monitoring System

monitoring System

SAAS BASED Remote PATIENT monitoring System

The proposed HIPAA-compliant SAAS-based Virtual Patient Monitoring System (VPMS) intends to improve healthcare outcomes, reduce costs, and transform patients’ experience. The platform is designed to help doctors, clinicians, hospitals, or healthcare service networks monitor their patients remotely and respond proactively to their needs.

Built on the latest tech stack, this single platform focuses on CCM (Chronic Care Management), TCM (Transitional Care Management), BHI (Behavioral Healthcare Integration), PCM (Patient Care Management), RTM (Remote Therapeutic Monitoring), and RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring). 

The application on iOS and Android devices seamlessly integrates with a variety of EMRs and gathers physiological data from different monitoring devices, enabling the care coordinators to access critical patient data for analysis.


  • Staff Management 
  • Provider Management
  • Document Template Builder 
  • Survey Management 
  • Custom Form Builder
  • Questionnaires / Survey Management 
  • Care plan and Notes Management  
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • ihealth telehealth app 
  • Workflows Management 
  • Email / SMS / Calls Management 
  • Triggers / Flags Management 
  • Task Management 
  • Billing Codes / Other Global Codes Management (CPT Code / ICD Codes) 
  • Custom / Billing Reports 
  • Audit Logs and Trail Management 
  • Device / Inventory Management 
  • Payment Processing / Billing 
  • Messages


SAAS BASED Remote PATIENT monitoring System SAAS BASED Remote PATIENT monitoring System
SAAS BASED Remote PATIENT monitoring System
SAAS BASED Remote PATIENT monitoring System

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