SaaS Based online Invoicing Management software

SaaS Based Invoicing
Management software

SaaS Based online Invoicing Management software

It is a SaaS-Based application developed specifically for small-scale B2B businesses which allows multiple businesses to use the software for creating invoices for their end customers. Application is built on serverless architecture and using Azure services. Both Single time as well as recurring invoices can be generated via the system. The software is specially developed for small to medium-sized businesses that have multiple customers and can use it to manage their invoices with a minimal subscription fee. Each business can set up their own account and manage their customers. Unique Business URL is provided to them and complete CRM is given to manage all customers, their related information, their invoices, manage recurring invoices schedules etc. . Key feature of this application is Agreements signing before payments. Automatic agreements are generated in application based on type of payment selection done by the user and user has to sign the same before making payment which gives more authentication for any invoice payments. Dedicated dashboard is provided to each business, which gives glimpse of their invoices with details like - Number of customers, Invoices raised, invoices overdue, pending invoices, upcoming invoices etc. Notifications and alerts are vital for timely invoicing. Businesses get alerts and notifications for invoices and automatic emails are sent to customers for invoices. Integration with Fluid pay API has been done here using which all invoices are being managed and all customer data, invoices data get pushed to FluidPay API from where further processing is done.


  • Developed for small to medium-sized businesses that have multiple customers and can use it to manage their invoices with a minimal subscription fee.
  • Unique Business URL to businesses  and complete CRM is given to manage all customers, their related information, their invoices, manage recurring invoices schedules etc
  • Integration with Fluid pay API has been done here using which all invoices are being managed and all customer data, invoices data get pushed to FluidPay API from where further processing is done. 
  • Customize your Invoice designs
  • Issue payment receipts and reminders
  • Process online payments
  • Create quotes and delivery notes
  • Set up recurring invoices
  • Client Management
SaaS Based online Invoicing Management software SaaS Based online Invoicing Management software SaaS Based online Invoicing Management software
SaaS Based online Invoicing Management software
SaaS Based online Invoicing Management software

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