SAAS Based Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

SAAS Based Healthcare
Revenue Cycle Management

SAAS Based Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

An end-to-end revenue cycle management solution serving the Rehabilitation market (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Centers) and helping care providers transform the claims process to improve accuracy, boost revenue, and refine working capital utilization.

Built on Java (backend) and Angular/App Script (frontend), this SAAS-based revenue cycle management healthcare application is more than just traditional revenue management. A complete set of features to help ensure VOB (verification of benefits), streamline billings & collections, claims management/claims reprocessing, prevent denials, and automate workflow to improve outcomes. The revenue cycle management software has the capability to address today’s sophisticated requirements of patient care environment, government regulations (like HIPAA compliance), and healthcare finance.


  • Patient List
  • Billing Log
  • Level of Care
  • Major implementations -
    • 267 Claim Check (ask)
    • 270 Eligibility
    • 277 Claim Status )(return)
    • HL7 Integration
    • 835 Final Payment Report
    • 837 I Claim Submission (Institutional)
    • 837 P Claim Submission (Professional)
  • Dashboards
    • Executive Dashboard
    • Non-Executive Dashboard
    • Master Facility Dashboard
    • Individual Dashboard
  • Client Onboarding
  • Verification of Benefits
  • Coverage
  • New Authorization
  • Billing Census
  • Reports
SAAS Based Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management
SAAS Based Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management
SAAS Based Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

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