SAAS based B2B2C Workflow automation for rental businesses

SAAS based B2B2C
Workflow automation
for rental businesses

Business and workflow automation

SAAS based B2B2C Workflow automation for rental businesses

The proposed application is a SAAS based easy to use CRM POS Rental Software and marketplace that is specifically designed for the item rental and service providing business. The basic functionality is enrolling the rental companies that provide items on rent and provide some services and making a marketplace to make it easy for the customer to search and select the rental companies across his area and compare them at a single platform. It will provide the opportunity to the rental companies to do their marketing at less cost and gain more customers. The applications facilitates the users to browse different service providers based on their location, book the rental items & activities as per their preference & process the online payment for the same. Service providers can operate from multiple location, manage their booking, inventory, payments with an ease. The proposed application focusses on rental businesses that can use to digitize their entire customer experience, connecting their shop's inventory directly with individuals looking for items to rent..


  • Super Admin dashboard : New business step on single approval through Super admin dashboard
  • Multiple location setup for a single business to manage multiple outlets
  • Roles and permission
  • 2 step login (Email credential, passcode)
  • Informative dashboard for business handling
  • Inventory Management- (Rental/retail/activity/bundle) and team members
  • Moving item within inventory from one category to another
  • Management of tickets and item pricing on base of custom created seasons
  • Stripe payments - Pre-authorize and regular payments
  • Handling payments through cash/card/custom created payment methods
  • Creating new order with multiple categories of item
  • Checkin/checkout of items in POS app
  • Order cancellation and transaction refund handling with email templates
  • Analytics : Different type of reports like Revenue and taxes
  • Personal Website creation for business (If they don’t have their own website)
  • Linking business inventory to existing websites
  • Discount and coupons handling
  • Break time handling for team members
  • Calendar component for showing order bookings on basis of Day/week/month calendar


SAAS based B2B2C Workflow automation for rental businesses ASP.NET Core Typescript React
SAAS based B2B2C Workflow automation for rental businesses
SAAS based B2B2C Workflow automation for rental businesses

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